Por Flavio Lupa, integrante del Instituto Nacional de Economía Agraria de Roma. Texto originalmente publicado en This Big City. Traducción por Plataforma Urbana. La agricultura urbana ha sido reconocida por los numerosos efectos positivos que tiene en las ciudades, como lo son el acceso a alimentos frescos, la agrobiodiversidad y como contribuyente a la mejora […]
Archivos de Categoría: Ecosistemas
On a global level, increasing population coupled with high rates of urbanization has resulted in a still largely unacknowledged solid waste management crisis. Latin America is one of the most urbanized regions of the world and waste management infrastructure and services have generally not been able to keep pace with the rapid expansion of cities. […]
While the term “ecosystem services” may sound like a corporate antithesis to the course of natural order, it is actually an umbrella term for the ways in which the human experience is favorably altered and enhanced by the environment. Ecosystem services are therefore an important factor in creating cities which provide the maximum benefit to […]